We were looking at moving, but that has all fallen through (good or bad, who knows). So we are staying in our lovely two bathroom, two deck, exposed brick apartment for at least another year. It has been almost two years in one spot and I like to think of it as home. Finally! :)
I love having people over to stay. I can't wait for Kati to come on Friday. DH and I both are "nesting" as you might say in this place. He wants to move around the bedroom curtain rod and do a few other things. My dream started with two glass jars. I was at the Y-Ville Community Garage sale last week and a woman was getting rid of some great primitive antique stuff. From what I overheard her saying, she was an antique dealer with way too much stuff. She had two tables full of old kitchen utensils, fabric scraps, and a white quilt with red stars that I pondered buying. But my mother-in-law makes quilts and I would not want to have one that she didn't make in the house. Scandalous. Under one of the tables was a box full of old Mason jars. I rooted out two blue ones with matching lids and noticed that the price was $1 a piece! Hells yes. I brought them home for our blue bathroom but thought they looked a little funny perched on the back of our commode. A few days later I found myself scouring the local Ace Hardware and found this glass shelf kit. It was pretty easy to put up, once DH helped me figure out how to secure the drill bit into the drill. The whole shelf kit was $13.99.
I arranged the jars with little bathroom stuff (cotton rounds and Q-tips), a few vintage postcards from Blue Orchid Studio in Y-ville (.75 each), a small tealight candle, and one of my hair flowers. I love it. Useful and pretty.
I thought the postcards went with the large map we have from dad in a sort of nonchalant vintage travel theme. What do you think?