What a racket those places have. Let's cut up a bunch of apples, bread, and tortillas from a bag; melt cheese right on the table, and charge the customer 25.99 per person to do all the work! Genius.
Ugh. Can you tell I'm still bitter? I need to stop brooding over last night, because all in all, I did have a little bit of fun. And I was charged with planning the next girls night in April... must think of something cheap and way more fun. Must. And no damn chain restaurants- we live in Chicago for c sake. There I go again, sorry. This was my after my guessed caloric intake for the day:

That's a pound over my starting weight. Sheesh!
eep! Just remember, one day won't ruin you. And seriously, Melting Pot is so not worth the money. If I want fondue, I'll buy a stupid fondue pot for my house.